Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Here is another great success story from one of our parents, http://www.facebook.com/ParentHelpCenter

Per your direction, here is the report on how it went this weekend. Let me start by saying, it didn’t go good, it went GREAT. So great, I am still in a state of shock (In a Wonderful, Blessed Way). I felt from the moment I picked you up at the airport on 4 June, that our son needed to stay with you until he “Got it.” Well I can tell you from my heart, soul, and being….He’s GOT IT. Why does our son finally “Get IT?” It’s because “Changed Parents will see Changed Children.” He’s “Got IT,” because my wife and I finally “Get IT!” With Matt’s help, We are a team like NEVER Before. Our son senses and knows this now. He knows the ONLY way he won’t end up back with you, is, this time around he has to “Earn those Checks.” There will never again be any un-earned checks. If my wife and I would have “Got IT” the first time last summer, he probably wouldn’t be there with you now. Anyway, you had the children give their definition of 3 words on graduation day from the 30 day camp. The dictionary defines those words as follows:

Responsibility: Ability or authority to act or decide on one's own, without supervision
Trust: Reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something
Respect: An attitude of deference, admiration, or esteem; regard

I can state without hesitation that our son now personifies each one of those traits. Traits he’s learned and internalized from You, Mr. D, Randy, and Rick. With all of this being said, my vote is for our son to come home next Friday, and Stay. I can state without hesitation that our son proved he’s “Got it” with multiple “Tests” this weekend, “Tests” that he passed with flying colors each and every time. Of course, I am not naïve enough to think there won’t be the occasional “Slip Up.” Matt, mom and I came up with the idea (With your concurrence of course), that if our son needed a “Consequence” for poor choices, You can expect a “Volunteer” at the P-Farm if it is warranted and “Earned.” I hope and pray for your Vote for our son to come home and stay starting next Friday, 27 July 2012.

In conclusion, I wanted to end this report by stating “Why” our son is back on the road to Max’s Farm as I type. First and foremost it’s because our son, mom and I respect You, and the Parent Project, too much not have Your blessing in this decision. God’s Grace, Your hard work and relentless dedication have Saved my Family. our son and I have a “Clean Slate” with each other and a relationship we’ve never had before for two (2) main reasons…..God’s Grace and your guidance and direction. My son and I trust you. Our son talks about you with a Love and Respect that is impossible to be faked or made up. Again, proof he more than “Gets IT.” our son got in the car today, after being away from home for almost 8 weeks, with a smile on his face knowing he was trading the comforts of home for Max’s Farm. Eight weeks ago I had to fly you from Jacksonville for you to help me get him to the Farm. Today, he’s driving himself. If that is not the picture and definition of responsibility…..I don’t know what is. Thank You for taking the time to read this letter. God Bless You, Your Family, and the Parent Project. I look forward to discussing this letter with you at your earliest opportunity. Last thing….our son was very sick last night, he rallied, and is on the road right now.

Your Student Empowered Dad

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July Update

Greetings Beloved,

We have some exciting news to share. God has provided us with a new house with less rent,  more space (including screened pool) to share with our Gospel Community and new neighbors. The house is in a neighborhood with a recreational area; pool, basketball, fitness. All great places to meet new people to share the gospel with. I admit when we first heard about this house up for rent from a couple that's part of the Round Lake Church family, I was already thinking that I didn't want to move, I like our current location and neighbors and didn't think for a moment what God might want. After finally looking at the house and talking with the owners we knew this was where God wanted us. We move July 28. Sunday July 29th we leave for Lake Aurora Christian Camp where we'll be the mission for the 5th-7th grade week. 

This past weekend we were in Jacksonville teaching an Empowered Parent Conference with 7 parents. We visited the "Farm," the location for the 30 day camp and boys home. That was my first time seeing some of the children of parents attending our conferences. After our visit there and after hearing testimonies of some "Empowered Parents" that dropped by this weekend it makes me realize even more the importance of getting the word out about how life changing "The Parent Project" is. There are so many parents that have been through the conference, the camp, and support groups that say they wish they attended this when their kids were younger. But now they have peace in their homes and have found hope. Our goal for the conferences is to give parents hope; there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Our prayer is that they may have hope in Jesus and hear the gospel spoken at Camp Consequence and the Sunday morning service we all attend after the conferences.

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers. Please pray that doors will open for a support group to start in Central Florida and EPC's will grow to the greater Central Florida area so we can help parents. "Changed Parents will see changed kids."

Grace and Peace, 
Hope Kegg

Monday, July 9, 2012


One of the mistakes that parents make with strong-willed children is trying to control them. "Look at me when I am talking to you." "Don't walk away from me, get over here." Strong-willed people (children and teens) in general don't want to be controlled. They fight it. If we as parents truly had control then our kids would do everything we ask them to do. They would never lie to us, sneak out of the house, fail school, get drunk, get pregnant. Smart parents know this and give up the notion of trying to control the strong-willed child.

But we can control everything that doesn't breath. That's right parents can control all the stuff that strong-willed children/teens like. Computers, food, car, cell-phones, clothes, etc. Smart parents know how to properly influence their children to make the right choices. Here's the rub. It's really hard work. Yeah, being a parent is tough. That's where Empowered Parents helps. We show you and coach you how to properly change those unwanted behaviors in your strong-willed child.