Friday, March 30, 2012


Thank you so much for the eye opening weekend at the Empowered Parent Conference. We are anxiously awaiting Camp Consequence to be able to see how the program works in action and start using it right away. My wife and I both feel a huge weight has been lifted off of our shoulders, because for the first time ever we have a concrete, proven plan to implement. Both of us will be on the same page, a united front for our kids to contend with. Many of the ideas presented we have tried but not the right way or we didn’t follow through with the idea. We love the fact that it is all laid out in a book. This type of program is long overdue and should be mandated when you have children. I have been often said that parenting would be so much easier with the luxury of a manual. Well, the Parent Project has listened and made that type of resource available.

When I was looking for a program online to help my son’s out of control behavior, the decision was an easy one. I spent seven hours looking for a solid program, which not only sounded good, but received good reviews and had solid backing. Most programs I came across had something that I didn’t like about them until I came across The Empowered Parent. The testimonials that I found were 100% positive, but the thing that sold me on Empowered Parent organization was you. If you watch the videos online you can see the passion that you have for helping families regain their happiness. The videos only show half of the passion you see when you talk to you in person, which is awesome. I also loved the fact that there are measures to keep me accountable for getting it right and working the program. I need to be accountable; I realize that my wife and I need to improve our parenting as much as our son needs to improve his behavior. The fact that you target the parents first and foremost was important, I wanted a program where our family can grow and get it right together. That is exactly what is happening.

With the unbelievable content of the Empowered Parent Conference this past weekend and the intensity of the message that you send, my wife and I couldn’t wait to get home. That is yet another thing that blew me away, how close the families that go through the program become. There is so much strength in numbers and in the support you receive, I don’t know how we can go wrong. I am ready to put in the hard work and get things right. This is the total opposite of the way we have been feeling for some time when it comes to our kids. We have hope again and can’t wait to restore happiness in our home so we can enjoy our children and one another again. Thank you so much Glenn for everything. We are looking forward to working with you and everyone in the Empowered Parent family.

I could go on and on, when really I could say all this in two words. Thank you.


One of our Empowered Parents (written by the Father)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Kegg's, where Jesus is always on tap!

Hope and I would like to share an update on our ministry and work with parents. There are three areas I would like to cover that we have been doing for the past 8 months. Two are parent and family related and one is church/ministry related.

First, we are so excited to be back at Round Lake Christian Church. One of the things that Hope and I have always done is share our lives with others in order to make disciples. Now is not the time to explain all of what takes places, but as “the church” we live in Gospel-Communities on Mission.  Think of the church in groups of 8-12 scattered throughout the city, on mission for Jesus, to serve, bless, and share our lives with others. Making disciples that can make disciples. We then gather as “the church” on Sundays to celebrate what God has been doing in our lives through the week.

Since Hope and I have been back, we have seen three GC’s planted, people coming to Christ and baptized, and we are about to be sent out to plant a GC in our home and neighborhood. We already have two families joining us that we will send out to plant new GC’s. Since there are about 50,000 people in the tri-cty area (Mt. Dora, Eustis, Tavares) we hope and pray to plant 50 GC’s, 1 per every 1000 people and then 300 for the 300,000 people that call Lake County home. This is a huge goal that only God can accomplish and we need prayer and funding to make this happen.

Secondly, we are still working on helping parents through our weekend conferences. So far we have co-taught three Empowered Parent Confernces with the founder Glenn Ellison; on our own, lead three EPC’s, been to four Camp Consequences, helped over 20 parents & 22 children on our own and over 60 parents/children with Glenn.

The biggest issue that we are facing is marketing. The last two months, February and March, we haven’t had any parents sign up.  While we have had a great start, I needed to get a part-time job to bring in some finances. This has really cut into my “hitting the streets” marketing. We are discouraged but keeping our heads up. Glenn Ellison has a life-changing program for families and we are thankful to be apart of it. Hope and I feeling strongly about this ministry and are trusting God is going to provide, which brings me to my last area. 

We have been working on a 3-4 hour, Gospel-Centered Parenting class. I traveled to Denver for a men’s conference in January and also taught an hour class on parenting. This gave us the idea of doing this in local churches and give parents a taste of what we do. We hope this would help get the word out and feed our EPC’s where parents can get more training. We are also looking at doing some free, one hour, classes at local libraries and community centers. I have a couple of conventions that we would like to attend to promote and market what we do for churches. 

Thank you so much for your finance support and prayers. We need more of both!

Grace and peace,
Jesse, Hope, Justus, & Elli Kegg.